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one that understands women and changes with them.It reinvents the idea of the uninhibited Parisian woman,a woman who is comfortable with her decisions,choosing to be elegant one day, vivacious the next, and then funny, then mysterious, but always captivating...A woman who is fundamentally free.Above all, Maje is the story of a united family:Judith Milgrom's family.The soul of this tribe is what inspired Judith Milgrom to create a brandthat is evidently cross-generational, where women and their daughtersshare the pleasure of dressing.
Now, she's bringing the Parisian womanthat she imagined, out into the world.Because ultimately, isn’t the Parisian womanthe most cosmopolitan of them all?From New York to Singapore, and Beijing to London,Maje conveys a whimsical grace that transcends time.
This feat turns on round-trip ticketsbetween past, present and future.Indeed, the future is now, the future is you.
“Maje reflects the many sides of every woman today”

“Maje reflects the many sides of every woman today”

"Twenty years ago, I created Maje for women like me. Women who constantly change. Who like to be elegantbut who won’t let others stop them from being who they are."
"I owe my success to three powerful women. My grandmother, my mother and my sister. They taught me everything I know and I’m lucky to have them."
“Without my grandmother, I wouldn’t have this gentle side. As a young girl, I used scraps of her fabrics to make dresses for my dolls.”